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Cards by Anne (www.cardsbyanne.com)
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Pennsylvania Homeschoolers (www.aphomeschoolers.com)
Pennsylvania homeschoolers offer high-quality, online, AP, honors, and summer enrichment classes in a variety of subjects and have been serving the homeschooling community worldwide for over 30 years. All AP courses are audited, approved, and authorized by the College Board and are part of the College Board’s Ledger of classes. Why not visit Pennsylvania Homeschoolers at APHomeschoolers.com and see what they can offer your homeschooled child.
Podcasts (2 Seasons)
Learn about science in a fun and interesting way.
Listen to Mark and Jack talk about famous scientists and the major contributions in chemistry and physics they pioneered. Click on the links below to be taken to each episode's web page where a link to the podcast (as hosted by our podcasting partner -- Anchor.fm) is found as well as show notes listeners might find interesting and helpful. If you prefer listening through a different podcasting service, you can find us using the Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Breaker, RadioPublic, and PocketCasts apps. Just search for "MyScience-Prep".
Season Two:
Introduction to Season Two (1:44)
Dalton and the Atom (55:46)
Einstein and Time (1:04:07)
Avagadro and the Mole (51:50)
Meitner and Fission (51:50)
Faraday and the Candle (50.32)
Noether and Symmetry (1:03:08)
Le Chatelier and Equilibrium (47:41)
Newton and Interaction (1:06:45)
Season One:
Introduction to Season One (1:26)
Pauling and the Chemical Bond (38:42)
Kepler and Inertia (31:27)
Scheele and Oxygen (28:47)
Joule and Energy (41:43)
Franklin and Lightning (41:53)
Nobel and Nitroglycerin (34:37)
Curie and Radioactivity (42:36)
Music for the podcasts supplied by Sonic Acrylic.
Click below to hear full versions of the songs featured in Season 1:To hear more from Sonic Acrylic visit their website at www.sonicacrylic.com